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Where does it all start?

Growing up, the one thing I could always rely on was family, if I’m being truthful it felt like the only thing I had. My parents came to Canada without much to their name, and tried to give us all the life they thought we deserved, to be given the same chances and opportunities everyone else had. When I was young, I often found myelf asking questions, not just about my surroundings, but about myself, and the relationships between people. With my family being filled so many different kinds of personalities to examine, I couldn’t help but be fascinated in the nature of what makes people the way they are, what makes me the way I am, and the implications that come from that. This all came at a steady pace however, I think I began as a mere watcher, constantly observing the world, then as I went to school and studied more about my interests, I was able to further refine and improve my knowledge. Psychology became something that naturally grew from the seedlings in my mind, and what drives my career goals today.


Where has my life taken me?

In life I have had my fill of being the unresting worker, both academically and in my personal life. When I was younger, first taking the steps for my independence and my own life, I remember working around the clock, for money to provide for my young wife and I, for my grades so that I could get closer to earning my degree to make my dream that much more of a reality. In the process of reaching towards things in my life that I wanted, I never really took a minute to really breathe it all in, working became an obessision of sorts. This led to things around me faltering, in ways that I hadn’t prepared for, and in the process I had to go through many personal changes to survive.  Despite any failures in my life, people leaving, jobs and relationships falling through, I don’t regret any of the decisions I have made in my life thus far. When I look back on things that I have lost, or no longer exist in my life, it’s bittersweet sure, but emotion still pours into my body in a way that doesn’t feel as if I need to toss away my past to move forward. I am who I am, success and mistake, but I am proud to have grown from every experience up till now. My jouney so far has been amazing, and left an impact on me that has allowed me to grow not only for the sake of my goals, but as a man as well. I feel that my past gives me strength and knowledge, and I wouldn’t change a single thing.

So where am I now?

I often go back and forth on my identity, being unsure of the person I want to be, and if that meshes well with the person I am now. I think, for all the experiences I have been through,  it has helped me mature and become more experienced. At one point in my life, I felt a if nothing could go wrong, but I also think for as much I was living in the moment, I did not think about the future enough for my own good. For me, moving forward involves reflecting not only on the past and present, but the future as well to satisfy more than a feeling of preparedness. I feel better than prepared for the unknown, I feel strong enough to take any adversity thrown my way and still stand up. ready to keep moving and adapt. Life is unpredictable, but being able to flow like water to the steady and rapid movements of daily life, is much more important to me than being deadset on a single plan, resilience has been my greatest ally.